-make sure to right click and save as "my_cellar.csv" when you open the web page from your browser.2. CSV File format for "my_cellar.csv"
-the CSV file format used is the following:
-Character set: Unicode ( UTF-8 )
-Import from row: 1
-Separated by: ; (Semicolon)
-Text Delimiter: " (double quote)
-uncheck the "Comma" checkbox
-check the "Semicolon" checkbox
-uncheck the "Comma" checkbox
-check the "Semicolon" checkbox
-Uncheck Taband click Next.
-Check semicolon
MS Excel cannot generate a csv file with the proper format needed by Wine Cellar PRO. Please use Open Office as it is much simpler to use (and free) as seen in the "Exporting instructions" or let me know if you can save a csv file that has the right format. Do not use ; (semi-colon) in the names, description comments, etc. Use the . (dot) or a comma. Do not use " (double quotes) in the names, description comments, etc. You can use the single quote instead These are restriction due to the file format used.
Make sure you right click and save as "Template.csv" This file contains an example of a bottle that will be successfully imported. All you have to do is to insert more lines in the file Or you could format an existing Excel spread sheet will all your bottles to follow the format of the template. Make sure the order of the columns is exactly the same If you have less information of what is presented in the template, leave the column empty If you have more information of what is presented in the template, do not enter it in the file.
Separated by: ; (Semicolon) Text Delimiter: " (double quote)
Date purchased, Date Tasted Make sure the date format ends up the same on your iPhone. Depending on your local region, it could be either YYYY-MM-DD or DD-MM-YYYY.
Favorites Leave this columns empty if you don't want a bottle to show up in your favorite list.
Put 1 if you want the bottle to show up in your favorite list.
Percentage of alcool Price
Wine Cellar PRO offers everything from Wine Cellar with the added feature of importing your cellar from your PC or Mac into the iPhone. The limit of 500 bottles is increased to 1500 bottles.
With Wine Cellar Pro, you can fully manage your cellar using the import/export function. You can do all the editing on your PC and import it to your iPhone so there is no need to type your 400+ bottles on your iPhone. (Pictures are not imported yet)
The file format used is csv (OpenOffice is an excellent tool to edit the file) or use the more simple Companion to view and edit your cellar (Mac OS X only).
The file format is very convenient if you already have your cellar in a database or in an excel spreadsheet. The conversion to the Wine Cellar format is very simple.
2 ways are offered to import your cellar:
A good indicator to know that both your PC/Mac and your iPhone are on the same network is to compare their IP address. They should have the same first 3 groups of numbers. Only the last group should be different.or
- Example 1: (they are both on the same network): and
- Example 2: (they are not on the same network): and
- First, you must put your wine cellar file on a web site so it will be accessible from your iPhone. For example, the file would be accessible on a web site like so: http://www.myPersonalWebSite.com/myCellar.csv
- Then, on your iPhone, you must open Safari and type this address: (using the example address from the #1)
The format is: winecellar://Address of your web server/yourCellarFile.csv
The file format used is:
UTF-8 for the character set ; (semi-colon) as the separator value " (double quotes) as the text delimiter
With this simple file format, it is easy to modify or adapt any excel spread sheet or any kind of list that you already have about your bottles and then import it into the iPhone.
© 2009, Simon Guertin
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